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Load Profiles

Each customer of a Retail Electric Supplier (RES) with a non-interval meter has a load profile class designation corresponding to the load profile used for settlement.

Ameren has adopted a dynamic load profiling method that uses statistical models of static load research data. These models reflect changes in loads associated with day-of-the-week (e.g. Monday through Sunday), holidays (e.g. Christmas, Memorial Day, etc.), hours of daylight, and temperature conditions (i.e. daily maximum and minimum dry bulb temperatures). Ameren uses these load forecasting models and the actual values for the independent variables in conjunction with actual customer usage to calculate hourly profiles for settlement purposes.

Applying the RES’ customer’s billing cycle month consumption to the appropriate class profile for the same period results in an hourly usage profile for the customer. When creating the individual customer load profiles, the settlement system ensures that the sum of the hourly measurements equals the monthly billing cycle measurement.

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