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Registration Information

If you represent a Retail Electric Supplier (RES) and are seeking RES registration with Ameren, please review all bulleted items below. If you have any questions regarding the RES registration requirements, please contact the Ameren Transmission Services Business Center at tsbc@ameren.com.

  • Any RES planning to register with Ameren and serve load within the Ameren Illinois (AMIL) control area should send a notification letter to the Ameren Transmission Services Business Center at:

    Manager, Transmission Services Business Center
    1901 Chouteau
    St. Louis, MO 63103
    Mail Code: 410

  • The RES Handbook, RES FAQs, and the Supplier Terms and Conditions (PDF) should be thoroughly read by the RES at the onset of the RES registration process. Critical information regarding all RES-related business policies is contained in these documents.

  • A RES must be both certified by the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) and fully registered with Ameren before the RES may begin enrolling accounts in the Ameren Illinois (AMIL) control area. A copy of the ICC Order indicating that the RES is certified by the ICC to supply load in the Ameren Illinois service territory should be sent to Ameren. See address above.

  • A Commercial Pricing Node (CPNode) must be acquired through MISO before the RES may begin enrolling accounts in the Ameren Illinois (AMIL) control area. Since MISO has strict deadlines regarding when a CPNode may be applied for and effectuated, the RES should contact MISO several months in advance of when it expects to begin serving load within the Ameren Illinois (AMIL) control area.

  • Transmission service agreements between the RES and MISO must be executed before a RES may begin enrolling accounts in the Ameren Illinois (AMIL) control area. Penalties will be assessed to any RES using the transmission system without proper clearance. The MISO business contact for a RES should be able to assist with the MISO transmission service agreements.

  • The RES must designate their anticipated load for the Ameren Illinois control area on OASIS. The associated AREF ID number must be provided to Ameren.

  • Just about all account-related transactions between Ameren and a RES are communicated via Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). If a RES plans to handle EDI transactions in-house or elects to use an EDI vendor that has not yet executed EDI testing with Ameren, then full scale EDI testing must be completed as part of the RES registration process. Full scale EDI testing involves working through the EDI test scripts that are posted to the Illinois Communication Protocols Working Group website. However, if a RES plans to use an EDI vendor, and the EDI vendor has already successfully completed EDI testing with Ameren for a different client, then full scale EDI testing is not required.     

  • During the RES registration process, Ameren will pass the RES's name and contact information to SERC for possible registration with SERC as a Purchasing-Selling Entity (PSE). A RES is advised to proactively contact SERC during the RES registration process with Ameren and determine whether it needs to register with SERC as a PSE.

  • Per the Tariff Service Agreement (PDF), Ameren is required to be the Meter Data Management Agent (MDMA) for each RES serving load in the Ameren Illinois (AMIL) control area. As MDMA, Ameren aggregates the load for the individual RES accounts together and submits this data to MISO at the CPNode level. This submission of data is done at pre-determined settlement times – (7 days after the operating day (S7), 14 days after the operating day (S14), 55 days after the operating day (S55), and 105 days after the operating day (S105) ). In order to submit meter data to MISO on a RES's behalf, each RES must provide Ameren with a digital certificate granting Ameren access to the MISO Portal.

  • The documents noted with an asterisk(*) below must be completed by the RES and submitted to Ameren at the address referenced in the first bulleted item above. The Single Bill Option Agreement is only required if the RES chooses to offer supplier consolidated billing to end-use customers. The Credit Application is only required if the RES is going to utilize the Single Bill Option as a guarantor. The UCB/POR Billing Services Agreement is only required if the RES wishes to utilize the Utility Consolidated Billing/Purchase of Receivables billing option.
  • A $20 RES registration fee will be included on the first transmission invoice to a RES from Ameren. This fee has been approved by the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC).
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