
What is Service Monitoring?

Service Monitoring is a new power quality monitoring system from Ameren Missouri that provides remote access to detailed data as a first step in finding, understanding and fixing issues. For larger business customers, power quality problems can be expensive. Voltage sags for example, can cause process control interruptions, line stoppages, or shorten the life of expensive equipment. For a flat monthly fee, you get 24/7/365 access to real-time, detailed power quality data.

How It Works

  • Subscribe to the service for a flat monthly fee of $500 (plus tax)
  • Ameren Missouri installs and maintains a monitoring system, including cellular data communications
  • The system captures detailed waveform data 24/7/365
  • You get real-time dashboard access, email alerts, and technical support

How You Benefit

  • Real-time notification of load loss and other anomalies
  • Rapidly diagnose power quality at the point of delivery
  • Allows action to be taken before another incident occurs
  • Assess the sensitivity of your production equipment
  • Performs continuous, automatic monitoring of power quality
  • Facilitates negotiations with equipment suppliers
  • Quantify PQ related downtime to determine the cost/benefit of mitigation

Predictable Pricing

A fixed monthly fee covers everything you need to start receiving detailed PQ data, alerts, and 24/7/365 monitoring — without hiring a specialist.

Protect your Warranties

The detailed data you’ll receive from the Service Monitoring device will help document where faults are happening, which will help facilitate negotiations with equipment suppliers.

Additional Support

Service Monitoring includes first level technical support as well as facilitation of a site assessment with expert engineers from the Electric Power Research Institute if needed. This level of expertise is key in diagnosing power quality issues and making actionable recommendations.

Detailed Data

Monitor current, flicker, voltage, power, and more from your desktop, a laptop, or mobile device to monitor data from the field.

Service Monitoring Program FAQs

Service monitoring is a service that Ameren Missouri offers to help customers track the quality of their power and identify long-term trends and problems during triggered events.

These events can be caused by large loads starting or stopping, different types of equipment not working well together, or parameter settings needing to be adjusted.

If your facility is experiencing flicker, voltage sags, harmonics, or other anomalies related to your power quality, Ameren Missouri can install monitoring equipment at your facility to give you real-time access to your power data.

Power quality problems can be expensive. Voltage sags for example, can cause process control interruptions, line stoppages, or shorten the life of expensive equipment. Service Monitoring helps customers identify the root cause of these issues.

  • On-going service monitoring offers several important benefits:
  • Avoid expensive production downtime
  • Avoid damage to electronic devices and equipment
  • Savings in energy costs due to reduced losses & lower kW demand
  • Improve power factor & system efficiency
  • Remove harmonics, surges & sags from electrical networks
  • Avoid voltage/frequency fluctuations & PLC hang-up
  • Avoid transformer overheat, capacitor burst, trip, etc.
  • Increased production quality as a result of decreased interruption
  • Enhanced equipment lifecycle
Service Monitoring is available to all Ameren Missouri commercial and industrial electric customers.
No. Our power quality monitors can be connected regardless of your meter type.
  • Customers ready to determine the root cause of power quality issues.
  • Customers who need to quantify the impact of power quality issues to justify mitigative measures.
  • Customers who have mitigated power quality issues who want to ensure those measures continue to work.
  • Customers who need to monitor power at a remote or unmanned facility.
  • Customers who want real-time notifications of power disturbances or loss.
  • Customers with sensitive electronic equipment

Our Service Monitoring Technicians can provide technical troubleshooting.

In some cases, a facility audit will be recommended. Ameren Missouri will facilitate an introductory meeting to discuss options and pricing, between you and engineers from the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), who are the foremost experts in analyzing and correcting power quality problems.

When power quality problems are identified, EPRI will provide an audit report identifying the most cost-effective power conditioning solutions. When a facility audit is not needed, our Service Monitoring Technicians can recommend a number of contractors to assist with installation of identified mitigation measures. Solutions may include adding line conditioners, Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS), replacing relays, adjusting drive settings, etc.

Service monitoring is low-cost insurance to avoid future unplanned outages and validate your previous repairs. The data provided from Service Monitoring can:

  • Assist in preventative and predictive maintenance
  • Identify source and frequency of events that may not be detected over a short period of time
  • Develop maintenance schedules
  • Monitor conditions and identify trends
  • Assess sensitivity of process equipment to disturbances
  • RMS Voltage: Volts
  • RMS Current: Amps
  • Real Power: Watts
  • Apparent Power: VAs
  • Reactive Power: VARs
  • Phase Angle: Degrees
  • Power Factor: Watts/VA
  • Displacement PF: cos (phase angle)
  • Power Usage: kWh, kVARh, kVAh
  • Harmonics
  • Flicker
  • Waveform Capture
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