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Shedding Light on Solar Energy Myths

Don't let common misunderstandings cloud your view of solar energy. Get the facts.

Solar energy is too expensive.

Installing a solar energy system often requires a substantial upfront cost, but prices are coming down. Federal, state and local tax credits and other incentives are also available to help reduce your initial investment.

Solar energy systems only work in sunny climates.

Solar panels are designed to work in all climates, although the condition of the roof and the amount of tree cover can be a factor. If trees or other obstructions around your roof create a lot of shade, solar panels may not be the best option.

Solar panels will reduce your home's value.

Solar energy systems can actually increase home value. According to a study by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, home buyers across the country have been willing to pay a premium of about $15,000 for homes with a solar energy system.

Installing solar panels will damage your roof.

Qualified professionals are experienced at installing panels on a variety of roof types and conditions. Solar panels are typically installed a few inches above the roof to allow airflow and they weigh about as much as a second layer of shingles. In some cases, panels may actually extend the life of a roof by protecting it from the elements.

Solar panels require a lot of maintenance.

Solar panels are designed to be durable, lasting up to 25 years or more, and require little maintenance or cleaning. Solar systems have few moving parts and rain is typically sufficient to keep panels clean.

You have to be a homeowner to go solar.

Community solar programs allow groups of people, such as renters or condo dwellers, to benefit from a single, shared solar system. In these programs, multiple community subscribers receive credit on their electricity bills for their share of the power produced.
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