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Power Smart Pricing

Learn how to save more on your electric bill with Power Smart Pricing from Ameren Illinois!

Reducing your energy usage has never been smarter.


 Participation in the Power Smart Pricing program does not guarantee savings over the standard fixed-price rate, and individual savings will vary from month to month based on usage and market conditions. The more you can shift electric usage to lower-priced times, the more you could save with hourly pricing.


Smart shifts can lead to big impacts.

Power Smart Pricing is a supply rate program for residential electric customers where the price you pay for electricity varies hour by hour based on actual market prices. Your bill is calculated using the hourly market prices and your corresponding hourly usage. With Power Smart Pricing, you can manage your electricity costs by using energy wisely during hours when prices are higher.

Reduce electricity usage.

Participating in Power Smart Pricing helps reduce electricity use during peak demand times.

Help the environment.

Reducing electricity use also reduces the need to build or operate additional power plants, lowering greenhouse gas emissions.

Improve service reliability.

Switching when you use electricity can help give the energy grid a break and make service more reliable for everyone in your community.

Lower your energy costs.

Although current natural gas costs are causing unexpected fluctuations, prices generally follow predictable patterns and program participants typically see savings in the long run.


Signing up is simple. Click here to enroll online anytime.


Use our day-ahead hourly pricing chart to see when prices are at their lowest.


Shift or reduce your energy usage during higher-priced, peak demand times.

Discover more ways to take control of your energy usage.