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Municipal Utility Tax

Municipalities who are interested in implementing a municipal utility tax can utilize this program to verify all premises within the municipality's jurisdiction and receive an estimate of tax revenue based on the premises authenticated.

Government Portal

Register or login to manage government electric supply aggregation and municipal utility taxes.

Frequently Asked Questions

The effective date of the new tax must be spelled out exactly in the ordinance. In addition, it must be 45 days out from when the ordinance is received by Ameren. For example: If you pass the new tax on April 7 and we receive the certified copy of the ordinance by April 15, the new tax could start billing June 1. The new tax always starts on the 1st of the month.
Ameren needs certified copy of the ordinance with original signatures and with seal. Also we need a copy of the certification with seal that the new ordinance was posted in three prominent areas or published in pamphlet form. This is no different than any other ordinance passed.
Before a new tax is implemented, Ameren requires the municipality to verify all the customers in the municipality's boundary. The new tax will not be programmed until we receive confirmation that the municipality has reviewed all the accounts.
You can use up to the maximum rates per the Illinois statutes 65 ILCS 5/8-11-2.
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