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Bloomington Normal

Ameren Illinois continues to make electric infrastructure upgrades to improve the reliability and performance of its energy delivery systems in Bloomington-Normal and throughout McLean County by making core infrastructure and technology upgrades to our equipment. We’re looking ahead to what your energy needs will be in the future and we’re preparing for those needs today.

The following are just a few local infrastructure projects that have been completed or are in progress throughout McLean County to help improve reliability and ensure that our power is there when you need it.

Enhanced Reliability

  • Enhanced the Powerhouse Substation at the intersection of Mill and Roosevelt to strengthen reliability by including two large transformers that will also support future customer growth in the area.
  • Upgraded a transformer inside the Normal East Substation on Hersey Road and the S. Bloomington Substation on E. Lafayette Street.
  • Added specially designed fencing to keep squirrels, raccoons and other animals from wandering into substations and causing an outage.
  • Upgraded an overhead distribution line, between Alta and Allen, to provide alternate pathways to deliver power in the event of an outage.

Advanced Technology

  • A total of 12 smart switching devices have been added to the electric system in both Normal and Bloomington. These automated and remotely controllable switching devices can sense the condition of the electric system and determine appropriate switching actions to reduce the number of customers affected by an outage.
  • Added advanced communication technology, which provides real-time views into the substation’s operations, to the West Lexington Substation on Bowery Street and Normal Substation on W. Vernon Avenue.
  • Fitting substations throughout Bloomington with new technology and relays to help reduce outage time for customers.

Ameren Illinois is doing more than just enhancing technology in McLean County. Learn how our employees are getting involved and making a difference in your community.

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