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Edwardsville Reliability Enhancement Project

Modernizing natural gas delivery in the Edwardsville area

About the Project

To meet the needs of our customers while strengthening the safety, integrity and reliability of our region's natural gas system, in 2027, Ameren Illinois plans to construct an energy project that will modernize natural gas delivery in the greater Edwardsville area.

This natural gas infrastructure project, known as the Edwardsville Reliability Enhancement Project (Project), will evaluate the opportunity to repurpose and enhance the existing gas infrastructure. Ameren Illinois will propose a route for, and design and construct, a new gas transmission pipeline with the goal of minimizing the impact on the community and the environment.

For more information, please view our Project Factsheet (PDF).

Public Input

Ameren Illinois places a high value on community engagement and customer feedback. The Edwardsville Reliability Enhancement Project team has hosted one virtual public meeting and one in-person public meeting where community members had an opportunity to learn more about the project, speak with subject matter experts, and provide input into the routing process.

Virtual Public Meeting

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

View Meeting Recording

In-Person Public Meeting

Tuesday, March 28, 2023
4:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

The LeClaire Room
N.O. Nelson
600 Troy Road
Edwardsville, IL 62025

Frequently Asked Questions

Project Information

The purpose of the Edwardsville Reliability Enhancement Project is to modernize and strengthen the safety, integrity and reliability of Ameren Illinois’ natural gas system, and to enhance operation flexibility to meet our customer’s needs.

As part of Ameren Illinois' efforts to comply with the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) regulations and to modernize its natural gas system, Ameren Illinois is evaluating the opportunity to repurpose the existing below ground and above ground facilities. Ameren Illinois may re-utilize and repurpose some existing infrastructure starting south of where the Ameren Illinois Pipeline crosses I-270 and ends at the Franklin St. Station at the intersection of Franklin Ave. and Madison Ave. Ameren Illinois will also propose a route for, and design and construct, a new gas transmission pipeline. The final length of the Project will be determined based upon the routing study and selection of a final preferred route. 

Yes. Ameren Illinois will host virtual public meetings to present project information to landowners and provide a comment period to better understand their needs and concerns. You can find the date and location of these virtual public meetings on this website.

Our goal is to meet and listen to the residents of the Edwardsville area at every stage of this project. If you would like to speak with a project representative, please feel free to call us at 618.221.0379 or email us at edwardsvillegasproject@ameren.com. 

Infrastructure includes transmission and distribution pipelines, valve stations, above ground regulator stations, and other equipment to operate the natural gas delivery system.
System reliability is the ability of the natural gas system to meet the demand and energy requirements of customers during scheduled and unscheduled outages.
The project area starts south of where Ameren Illinois pipeline crosses I-270 and connects to an existing pipeline north of the Franklin St. Station. Please refer to the Project map located on this webpage for additional information regarding project locations.
Funding for the construction of this project will come from the Company’s existing capital expenditure budget. Any rate increase must be approved by the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) through a regulatory review process.


Ameren Illinois’ continued compliance with evolving regulations will allow for the deployment of advanced technologies to enhance safety and reliability. Ameren Illinois is applying the highest safety standards as it upgrades the natural gas delivery system throughout its 43,700 square-mile territory. The new facilities installed as part of this project will maintain natural gas supply to the Edwardsville area and will continue to allow for efficient and comprehensive inspections of the pipeline.
Natural gas is a safe, clean-burning, and efficient fuel used for heating homes and water, drying clothes, and food preparation. Residential appliances are subject to federal regulations regarding safe operation in the home.


Once completed, this new pipeline will allow state of the art monitoring and assessment techniques for the natural gas system. Ameren Illinois has an extensive monitoring program to detect potential leaks or disturbances. The Company has highly trained employees that monitor our pipeline systems and perform regular maintenance to safely deliver natural gas. Ameren Illinois will provide a timely response to detected issues.

Real Estate

A right-of-way easement will give Ameren Illinois the right to use another’s land for a specific, limited purpose. It does not grant ownership of the land to Ameren Illinois. Representatives of Ameren Illinois will contact landowners to negotiate the purchase of an easement so that the pipeline can cross their land.

Ameren Illinois will be requesting a permanent right-of-way easement that is up to 50 feet in width along the length of the new transmission and any associated distribution pipelines. Additional easements will be requested at the pipeline’s origin and terminus points, at any required regulator or valve station locations, and for other Project facilities as required. Additional, temporary right-of-way will be requested for construction purposes.

Ameren Illinois will comply with applicable regulations regarding the protection of sensitive areas and habitats. Where applicable, Ameren Illinois will comply with requirements to assess and protect tree species as required by those regulations. Ameren Illinois will discuss impacts to trees or other vegetation that would be impacted with the affected property owners and relevant stakeholders. Impacts to wooded corridors is a routing sensitivity that we will carefully consider going forward. If the pipeline is routed through wooded areas, that area will be planted to non-woody species due to pipeline right-of-way requirements. Unless otherwise requested by the property owner, Ameren Illinois preference is to plant formerly wooded areas with a native prairie seed mixture that also provides pollinator habitat. If you have areas of specific concern, it would be extremely valuable to the project team if you would identify those specific areas of concern with notes on our interactive map located on the project website.

Pipelines are typically sited in areas where there would be little to no impact to the value of the land. The addition of access to natural gas may be beneficial to some properties. It is not anticipated that any change would occur to property taxes. 


Ameren Illinois will manage the construction process to avoid service interruptions.
Per regulations, a new service request must be submitted via a request to the Ameren Illinois service request hotline 1.800.755.5000.

Contact Us

Have a question for our project team? Feel free to contact us by phone or email.

Project Hotline: 618-221-0379

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