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Stop Service FAQs

Ameren will attempt to read the meter(s) on the day you requested your service to stop, but we may choose to leave the electric or gas service active.

Your responsibility for the billing will stop on the day you request that the service be turned off provided we have access to the meter(s).

A new resident may have contacted us to request service be put in his/her name, so there would be no reason to physically turn off the service.

If you are moving gas appliances like a stove or clothes dryer, Ameren Illinois will physically turn off the gas service for safety reasons. Also, if the premise is scheduled for demolition, Ameren Illinois will physically turn off the services and remove the meter(s), pipes, lines, etc.
Customers with accounts in collections status, accounts (properties) managed with our Property Management program or those who request removal of service wires should call the Ameren Illinois Customer Contact Center to turn off service.
Yes. Please arrange for an adult (18 years or older) to be present to give us clear access to your meter for service to be disconnected. However, the meter will not be disconnected if the new occupants request service prior to the date you have scheduled for the meter to be disconnected. In this case, Ameren Illinois will simply transfer names on the requested date.

Please note: If you do not allow Ameren Illinois access to an inside gas meter, you will be responsible for the usage at the residence until the gas service is transferred out of your name.
We need to know the date you want to stop service, whether you will be moving any gas appliances and a forwarding address for your final bill.
You can update your order online provided you originally placed the order online. If you did not originally place your order online, please contact the Ameren Illinois Customer Contact Center.